Pay attention – my new skill

To pay attention feels like a game-changer. This seemingly simple practice may even be a life-changer. But I’m still experimenting with new-to-me concepts – and I’m excited and hopeful. When I Googled ‘pay attention’ I found a number of articles with instructions about paying attention. Some described simple steps to learn and practice. Others described…… Continue reading Pay attention – my new skill

Taking stock and reorganising life

Taking stock of one’s life can happen in the most unexpected ways, and often for bizarre reasons. It’s been a year since my husband of sixteen years upped sticks and left me. Here’s a snapshot of my life then and now, and some ideas for the future. You can imagine the turmoil! Legal, financial, emotional…… Continue reading Taking stock and reorganising life

Women & Children – book review

Women & Children by Tony Birch deals with difficult themes. It is also a fast-paced story with a surprise ending.

Bordoodle puppy for new zest

Meet the Bordoodle puppy who’s come into my life. Maggie’s name seems somewhat obvious because her black coat with white trim resembles the colouring of a magpie. At eleven weeks, after the long flight from Toowoomba in Queensland, she fell into my lap. There she slept for two hours straight. Two days later, she’d undone…… Continue reading Bordoodle puppy for new zest

Do something different on Sunday

To do something different on Sunday was once a long held habit of mine. The idea of keeping holy the Sabbath, deeply engrained, meant the day always began with Mass in the parish church. After that, the days unfolded gently. My memories of childhood Sundays, especially after the end of World War II, include fun…… Continue reading Do something different on Sunday

Categorized as travel

Three shiny new things and some travel

Three shiny new things and a little spontaneous travel and adventure have brightened my life this week. Just when I thought I’d never travel, never write, never feel enthusiastic, there I was at Point Peron (I’ve written about that before). And writing a blog post! The tedious life events I’ve written about recently are coming…… Continue reading Three shiny new things and some travel

Grateful I’m alive and growing

Grateful I’m alive isn’t something I’ve said or written very often over many months. Except, perhaps, in one of my somewhat Pollyanna* attempts to write in my gratitude journal. But this morning it struck me that I’m grateful and glowing. This may be a temporary state. But while the feeling lasts, while the concept lingers,…… Continue reading Grateful I’m alive and growing