Why strawberries make me happy

Strawberries, especially those that are ripe, red and juicy remind me of happy childhood days. My father grew the fruit on furrows in a sunny part of our garden. We watched the little plants grow, spread and finally display their pretty white flowers. Soon after they flowered, Dad mulched under the plants with fresh straw.…… Continue reading Why strawberries make me happy

Categorized as Personal

Panic attack or heart problem?

Panic attack seemed to be my diagnosis almost two months ago. It puzzled me. My life seemed smooth and under control. But I’d presented by ambulance, seriously scared, at a public hospital emergency department. My blood pressure was high and my heart pounded, raced then seemed to stop. I felt lightheaded, sick. My daughter and…… Continue reading Panic attack or heart problem?

Music and falling in love again

Music burst back into my life after a long absence. I’m overjoyed. My old husband banned music from our house soon after we married seventeen years ago. He said his poor hearing made listening difficult. ‘Noise’ made it hard for him to concentrate. He also banned cut flowers because, he said, they gave him hay…… Continue reading Music and falling in love again

Categorized as Personal

Taking stock and reorganising life

Taking stock of one’s life can happen in the most unexpected ways, and often for bizarre reasons. It’s been a year since my husband of sixteen years upped sticks and left me. Here’s a snapshot of my life then and now, and some ideas for the future. You can imagine the turmoil! Legal, financial, emotional…… Continue reading Taking stock and reorganising life

Grateful I’m alive and growing

Grateful I’m alive isn’t something I’ve said or written very often over many months. Except, perhaps, in one of my somewhat Pollyanna* attempts to write in my gratitude journal. But this morning it struck me that I’m grateful and glowing. This may be a temporary state. But while the feeling lasts, while the concept lingers,…… Continue reading Grateful I’m alive and growing